
Dodgeball Tournament Wed, Feb. 22nd at 7pm in Vanderbilt Gym

The first ever. Totally wicked awesome DODGEBALL tournament. For all you that have repressed you anger for far too long, for all those who feel that throwing a ball is the very limit of your physical athleticism. This is your chance.

Everyone is welcome. We will have a dodgeball tournament next wednesday, Feb. 22nd in the Vanderbilt Gym.
Just show up at 7 and prepare to Dodge, dive, dip, duck, and well....

お、おもしろそう、行きたい・・・。まじめな話をすれば、"Totally wicked awesome DODGEBALL tournament"という言い回しをするのかと感心。いやいや、そんなのよりもボール投げ。