

<レジ袋有料化>コンビニは反対文書を提出 コンビニエンスストアなどが加盟する日本フランチャイズチェーン協会(FC協)は13日、容器包装リサイクル法の改正で経済産業省と環境省がレジ袋有料化を検討していることについて、有料化に反対する見解を文書…


空港に到着して、ようやく見つけました。捜し求めていた「Visit Bangladesh Before Tourists Come」のポスター。 「観光客が来る前にバングラデシュにお越しください」だなんて、いまだかつて、こんな自虐的なポスターを作った国があったでしょうか(いやな…


早いもので、明日にはバングラデシュを去り、次の目的地に向かいます。今日は、病院の皆さんの前でプレゼン。まぁ10人くらいかな、と思っていたら、でかい会場にわんさかわんさか人が現れて、それはそれは盛況な会となりました。 まぁ難しい話はおいておいて…

Star Festival

七夕は英語でStar Festivalというらしいです。「日本ではこんなお祭りが今日あるんですよ〜」と話していたら、バングラでは同じような祭りが2月にあるらしいです。そりゃ、こんな雨季の真最中にやっても、彦星織姫さんも会えなかろうに。 写真は川となった道…


インド、ほぼ全土で雨期入り・主力作物の栽培遅れ回復へ (6/30 日経新聞) 【ニューデリー=山田剛】 インドの農業生産に大きな影響を与えるモンスーン(季節風)の雨雲が、29日までにパンジャブ州、ヒマチャル・プラデシュ州などインド北西部に到達し、ほぼ…

Garment Factory

The No.1 import industry of Bangladesh is garment (clothing) industry. I had an opprtunity to visit one of them today. 99% of workers are female. They work 8 hours. 6 days/week and get only 1,500 - 2,000 Tk (= $30-$40) per month. But this …


あまりにもどうでもよいことなので、日本語で書いてみよう。最近、ありの巣を部屋の中に見つけた。さすが病室だけのことはある、バリアフリーだ。 部屋の中に置いてあるパンに向かって壁を歩いていたので、試しに上方から壁伝いにサラダ油を垂らしてみた。か…

Nagoya City Bus in Dhaka

Oh~~~ It's my hometown bus! This is the second time to see my hometown bus in the foreign country. The first one was the capital airport in Myanmar. Anytimes, surprising...


I visited UNICEF Bangladesh office this morning, which is located in Sheraton Hotel (the most expensive hotel in Bangladesh). More than 200 staff (including 30 foreign staff) are working there. This means that Bangladesh office is one of t…

Mobile Phone

To all my friends, I got a mobile under the pressure of necessity... So, 24/7 call me at 0191-225567. (it's waste of time to care about my ID Information here) By the way, the mobile is so expensive comparing to US/Japan. The price differe…


In the Islamic world, the holiday is Friday, not Sunday. Because I'm not allowed to go outside by myself (it seems to me a kind of under house-arrested), I had nothing to do whole day. Of course, in my room, there is no TV, no internet, no…

Back to Dhaka

Finished data collecting successfully, I came back to Dhaka from Pabna finally. In Pabna, people were so kind, too kind to feel embarrassing as a normal foreigner. Actually, it was very hard to be alone. Whatever you are doing, studying or…


In the Islamic world, including Bangladesh, "cow" is holy animal. Cow is everywhere. Kids are playing cricket, but at the same time, cows are feeding a weed. Not only cows, a duck family is crossing near the batter box. Rescuing a cow from…

Life in Pabna

I'm enjoying a quite low-productivity life here in Pabna. 7:30 Breakfast (Bread + Banana + Apple) 8:00 Taking Shower 9:00 Meeting (or Chatting) at the Office 9:30 Well Wandering at Project Site 11:00 Finish and go back to the Office 11:30 …

Data Collecting

These days, I'm wandering (not walking) around the town to collect the information about wells day by day. Only me? No. With one or two local staffs, officially. But usually, dozens of children are following me.

Project Site

I came here Bangladesh to join in the arsenic poisoning (in Japanese "Hiso Osen") project conducting by our University. The project site is rural town in Bangladesh (about 300 km far from Dhaka), called Pabna City. It is 5 hours bus trip f…


OK. Let me introduce the food in Bangladesh. Cause I'm staying at the hospital, I usually use cafeteria in the hospital. Breakfast Bread + Fruit (Mango, Banana, Apple...) + Tea Lunch Curry + Curry + Curry (Fish/Chiken/Vegetable) Dinner Cur…

Around Hospital

The hospital is located in the south of Dhaka city. As Dhaka is one of the populated town in the world, there are sooooo many people living around the hospital. The entrance of the hospital. These are views from the 2nd floor. It looks lik…


Eventually, I have arrived Dhaka, a capital of Bangladesh yesterday without any troubles. I am now staying Dhaka Community Hosptal. From tomorrow, hopefully I can upload pictures, so you can enjoy the virtual tour of Bangladesh!

Journey to Bangla

It takes 6+10+6+2=24 hours from Boston to Dhaka. 24 hours=86400 seconds! Far away~~~ 5/27 AA 25 Boston (08:05) --> Los Angels(11:22) 6 hours from Boston to Los Angels. It is still mystery that what time should I be at the airport when goin…